/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 2:35:38 Mar 24, 2013 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 14:47:28 Apr 11, 2016. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ // $Id: script.js,v 2010/07/03 03:00:39 sociotech Exp $ Drupal.behaviors.fusionEqualheights = function (context) { if (jQuery().equalHeights) { $("#header-top-wrapper div.equal-heights div.content").equalHeights(); $("#header-group-wrapper div.equal-heights div.content").equalHeights(); $("#preface-top-wrapper div.equal-heights div.content").equalHeights(); $("#preface-bottom div.equal-heights div.content").equalHeights(); $("#sidebar-first div.equal-heights div.content").equalHeights(); $("#content-top div.equal-heights div.content").equalHeights(); $("#content-region div.equal-heights div.content").equalHeights(); $("#content-bottom div.equal-heights div.content").equalHeights(); $("#node-top div.equal-heights div.content").equalHeights(); $("#node-bottom div.equal-heights div.content").equalHeights(); $("#sidebar-last div.equal-heights div.content").equalHeights(); $("#postscript-top div.equal-heights div.content").equalHeights(); $("#postscript-bottom-wrapper div.equal-heights div.content").equalHeights(); $("#footer-wrapper div.equal-heights div.content").equalHeights(); } }; Drupal.behaviors.fusionIE6fixes = function (context) { // IE6 & less-specific functions // Add hover class to primary menu li elements on hover if ($.browser.msie && ($.browser.version < 7)) { $('form input.form-submit').hover(function() { $(this).addClass('hover'); }, function() { $(this).removeClass('hover'); }); $('#primary-menu ul.sf-menu li.expanded').hover(function() { $(this).addClass('hover'); }, function() { $(this).removeClass('hover'); }); $('.sf-menu li').hover(function() { $(this).addClass('hover'); }, function() { $(this).removeClass('hover'); }); $('#search input#search_header').hover(function() { $(this).addClass('hover'); }, function() { $(this).removeClass('hover'); }); }; }; Drupal.behaviors.fusionOverlabel = function (context) { if (jQuery().overlabel) { $("div.fusion-horiz-login label").overlabel(); } }; Drupal.behaviors.fusionSuperfish = function (context) { $("#primary-menu ul.sf-menu").superfish({ hoverClass: 'sfHover', delay: 250, animation: {opacity:'show',height:'show'}, speed: 'fast', autoArrows: false, dropShadows: false, disableHI: true }).supposition(); }; Drupal.behaviors.fusionSuperfishBlocks = function (context) { $("div.block ul.sf-menu").superfish({ hoverClass: 'sfHover', delay: 250, animation: {opacity:'show',height:'show'}, speed: 'fast', autoArrows: false, dropShadows: false, disableHI: true }).supposition(); }; Drupal.behaviors.fusionGridMask = function (context) { if ($('body.grid-mask-enabled').size() > 0) { var grid_width_pos = parseInt($('body').attr('class').indexOf('grid-width-')) + 11; var grid_width = $('body').attr('class').substring(grid_width_pos, grid_width_pos + 2); var grid = '
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