/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 2:34:19 Mar 24, 2013 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 14:47:16 Apr 11, 2016. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ // $Id: acquia-marina-script.js 7156 2010-04-24 16:48:35Z chris $ Drupal.behaviors.acquia_marinaRoundedCorners = function (context) { // Rounded corners - Inner background $(".inner .marina-rounded-corners .inner-wrapper .inner-inner").corner("bottom 7px"); $(".inner .marina-title-rounded-blue h2.block-title").corner("top 5px"); $(".inner .marina-title-rounded-green h2.block-title").corner("top 5px"); $("#comments h2.comments-header").corner("top 5px"); }; Drupal.behaviors.acquia_marinaPanelsEditFix = function (context) { // Sets the .row class to have "overflow: visible" if editing Panel page $("#panels-edit-display-form").parents('.row', '.nested').css("overflow", "visible") $("#page-manager-edit").parents('.row', '.nested').css("overflow", "visible") };